1 year ago

The worse news yet.. at this point. I don’t know what we do to right the wrongs. How many people have you buried?? I’ve buried one, imo directly connected to Moderna. And we also buried a son. Who’s siblings were not allowed to see him, in the 3 weeks we spent in the ICU. Before we were finally convinced to take him off of life support and donate his organs. Had I known then…. I would have chose differently.
I think that maybe we should all file murder and attempted murder charges with our local sheriff’s departments.. I don’t know what else to do anymore.
NO ONE IS LISTENING… and those who are curious, have been brainwashed to think we are conspiracy theorists. I am not… I just saw the reality around me… after being aggressively jarred out of the stupor that I was trapped in too.

Please fucking wake up.
This is real.
This happened.
And it is continuing to be done, to innocent people, every damn day.

Link to original source below.

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