Urgent Warning: America is NOT Ready for What's Coming…

1 year ago

John Bevere has an urgent message that America and world need to hear!
▶▶The Awe of God by John Bevere [Book & 4-CDs]: https://bit.ly/3oLuZVE

Discovering the Joy of the Fear of the Lord: A Starting Place for Intimacy with God

If you long for a deeper relationship with God, John Bevere’s new book, The Awe of God, and 4-CD audio series, Getting God’s Attention, will get you started on the right path. You will discover the difference between fear of the Lord and a spirit of fear, and understand why Godly fear is foundational to have wisdom, understanding, knowledge, divine direction, and intimacy with God. You will see how the fear of God conforms you to the image of Jesus and unlocks over 40 Bible promises such as longevity, confidence, and friendship with God.

The Fear of the Lord is Utterly Missing from the Church Today!
You will learn how trembling at God’s word really gets God’s attention and how a lack of fear of the Lord may be the root cause of many departures from the faith. By cultivating a healthy fear of God, you will be freed from all other fears and receive God’s secrets. Even Jesus delights in the fear of the Lord. At the end of each chapter, John Bevere provides five important learning tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you.

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