International False Rape Timeline - hangout (84) - Not For The Timeline

1 year ago

This pre-recorded hangout is comment on a number of rape allegations, some of which are likely or definitely true, others which might not be or certainly are not but will not find their way onto the False Rape Timeline for reasons explained here.

I began with Julian Assange, who was almost certainly falsely accused, but his predicament is ongoing and I feel he brought the Sweden situation on himself. I covered the claims of the Australian politician Moira Deeming about how she was sexually abused when she was young.

I passed over the Brittany Higgins case but discussed very briefly the case of Alexander Matters. There is no way this guy is going in the database.

After that I discussed a case from the Emerald Isle, a gang rape case heard at the Central Criminal Court, the odious Mason Greenwood – a man who definitely got away with it...

An amusing case of the wife of an America police officer who was obviously playing away; she claimed to have been robbed and raped but shortly admitted she hadn’t been robbed. She dragged her husband down with her.

A bloke named Leaver who somehow got to the Court Of Appeal. Thankfully he was convicted again after a retrial.
Among others I discussed the case of a bloke in Florida who was acquitted and may not have deserved to have been.

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