Lies of Men and Gods | Steve Quayle Interview by Prophecy Watchers on His Documentary

1 year ago

Lies of Men and Gods | Steve Quayle Interview
by Prophecy Watchers on His Documentary
81,486 views Mar 23, 2023
The Bible tells us that a third of the angels left their home in heaven to follow Lucifer. They came to Earth, took human wives for themselves and created a hybrid race of giants we call the Nephilim.
Steve Quayle, along with Gary Stearman, were actually two of the first biblical researchers to explore this bizarre subject, a genetic disaster that set the stage for Noah’s flood and the destruction of the human race. God started over with Noah and his family and destroyed Lucifer’s attempt to corrupt the DNA of mankind and pollute the bloodline of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.
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