Games are over people!! Jesus will come and fast

1 year ago

The games are over and God is very very angry and He will send His Son to grab all the true believers and all the babies and children before the 7 year tribulation begins, the rapture will happen so very fast and only those who truly follow Jesus will be taken, all the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors will be left behind, they are playing games with God and act like they are so good and can enter heaven doing whatever they want and being a church member! That is not following Jesus at all but a man made church traditions, Jesus hates tradition, religion, churches, He never said to go to church all the time, give money to a church, listen to a man that is probably a false prophet every Sunday, go on mission trips, Jesus said come and follow Me and now is saying since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth, you can't play games with God at all and all those that play church will be the same ones pounding on heaven gate demanding that God let's them in, we went to church all the time, we were a good person, we gave money to the church and preached in the streets!! And Jesus will say I never knew you!! God has a very strict entrance to get into heaven, only those whose names are found written enter heaven and wear His garments He provides that is Jesus, the Holy Spirit and if you are not wearing God garments you do not enter heaven, God has a no illegal system set up and He will not change it, anyone trying to enter heaven another way well is seen as a robber and not allowed to enter, once the rapture happens the church age is over forever! It will be back to the law and the Jews will witness and take over, you will have to do good works, help the Jews, not get that vaccine mark of the beast to be saved in the tribulation period, the church age will be over, the age of grace gone and will never return, the tribulation period will be focused on Israel and those who Missed the rapture will have to decide between Jesus and get your head cut off in the tribulation period or serve the antichrist and suffer God wrath and get destroyed by Jesus and end up in the lake of fire, that is all the choice you have! Not many choices in the tribulation period at all, it will be war between Jesus and Satan and Satan will go after all the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors who got left behind, they will be his target!!!

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