04.08.2023 - The Dem Agenda, Dem Anon & OMG Citizen Journalists Report

1 year ago

The Dem Money Agenda Run Amuck

Guest: Anonymous, Courageous Democrat. Used to work within the Democrat party shares insights and experiences. She parted ways with the Democrat party when they began espousing allegiance to communism.

Twitter Audio Clips courtesy of OMG (O'Keefe Media Group) with James O'Keefe and other courageous citizen journalists reveal excessive money was filtered through Act Blue under the accounts and names of unsuspecting vulnerable adults. They confirm they did not give in the amounts and the number of times as reported in the FEC (Federal Election Commission) fundraising campaign report(s).

To check your own donations according to the FEC, go to www.FEC.gov. Leave the first box blank and go to the second box to search the donor name for all organizations receiving monies in the donor name.

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