Excessive Bulking - Is It Worth It?

1 year ago

Arm Program & Coaching: https://linktr.ee/irving.matt
@jeffnippard I agree with the majority of Jeff’s position. In particular, it seems very clear that you can’t PROPORTIONALLY increase muscle gain by increasing caloric intake. However, I have a slightly different interpretation of some of the results. Going into this research, my personal bias was that excessive bulking doesn’t provide any additional muscle gain - this has always been my personal belief (not supported by science). However, after reviewing the studies in Jeff’s video and reading through other research, it seems there is solid evidence in favor of excessive bulking leading to additional muscle gain. The caveat is that you will most certainly gain proportionally more fat than muscle. If all you care about is overall muscle gain and are okay with the extra fat, then excessive bulking might be something worth considering. I probably agree on 80-90% of what Jeff is saying but I believe he is slightly under-selling the effect excessive bulking can have on muscle gain and my conclusion is a bit different than his.
Study: https://sciendo.com/downloadpdf/journals/hukin/70/1/article-p125.xml
Jeff’s YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7jIU_73ZaM
#bodybuilding #bulking #musclescience #nutrition

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