1 year ago

As soon as I walked into our house today (to cross the threshold- HIGHLY PROPHETIC) I sensed VERY STRONGLY that the OBEDIENT HAD CROSSED A VERY LUCRATIVE THRESHOLD SPIRITUALLY! And that life as we knew it was about to change forever! BUT FOR THE GOOD!
Christians/Non Christians are all walking through a simulation at present, with Good/Bad events taking place to see how people will react/respond to them. BUT THIS IS NOT THE REAL EVENT- or end times were people will be sought out to harm unless you become a specific threat.

The Lord said that all dictators/thugs around the word have sought to plunder the U.S. because they were so sure they had this in the bag (ONE WORLD GOV’T- DEEP STATE/MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX), where they could plunder the U.S. blessings, monies to distribute to all world leaders who they could pay off to participate. SO EVERYONE participating has been paid off WITH YOUR MONEY AMERICA! YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY! YOU’RE PAYING FOR THE COUP AGAINST YOU! AND BOTH sides of the aisle KNOW this is going on and have diligently been watching it from the sidelines (with many having a front row seat) as the American population stands in panic because of what they don’t know. SO ALL ARE GUILTY FOR NOT STANDING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS who have chosen to stay silent!

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