May 6. Bowie, 1 eye darkened, 666, CORONAtion of (k)ing, Eclipsed Moon (Sackcloth), Aquarius Meteors

1 year ago

The month of May 2023 has a lot happening - the Pagan festival Beltane, the Flower Moon, an eclipse during which King Charles is to be coronated, and following the King's coronation (as he is seated upon the Stone of Jacob), is the ETA Aquarids meteor shower; and this is just the first 6 days of May!

Revelation 6:12 - And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.

So, ON King Charles' coronation day will be a near total eclipse of the sun, followed by a meteor shower... from where? Why from the constellation of Aquarius of course. Will there be an earthquake on May 6th as well you think? We'll see, but probably not, right? Its all just coincidence.

David Bowie's last work was to release an album titled BlackStar, it was released January 8th, 2016 (Bowie's 69th and last birthday because he died on January 10th just two days later). With the overt blasphemous nature of the Blackstar album, complete with three demonic figures crucified in a wheat field writhing in mock agony with wry smiles on their faces and Bowie several times symbolically holding up a black bible with a star on it, freemasonry and satanic imagery throughout, it actually feels like a black mass was his death at 69 a sacrifice? And, is it silently dedicated to his dark king that will sit on a dark throne - seven years before his coronation? Was he dedicating the song to King Charles?

What if I told you there's 2675 days between the release of this album, and King Charles May 6th coronation; and that if you go backward from May 6, 2023 2675 months the date you arrive at is June 6, 1800 (6th month, and 6th day of 1800, and 18/3 = you've got 6/6/666).

(That word you keep using, "coincidence". I do not think you know what it means.)

Accept Jesus Christ into your heart this instant, for our next day is not promised. And if you die without lose more than you can ever imagine.

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