Julian Assange "evil dust", geoengineering, Nanoscale Robots, short clips

1 year ago

Is he actually controlled opposition, or was he trying to warn us? I'm so confused these days. Anyway, this video reel was uploaded to YouTube on April 11, 2019: https://youtu.be/j_Twkg7ZltM and this seems to be the longer video (with commentary and longer sections from each clip) these clips were taken from on September 27, 2018 https://youtu.be/2f86YalQR9g (22mins)

Rough Transcript:
00:00 Intelligent, evil dust scattered everywhere, like confetti in everything. So I think it's increasingly hard for human beings to work out how to deal with that.

00:19 Another example is the array of technologies often referred to collectively as geoengineering that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat.

00:40 Everything happened in an electron microscope, of course. And I will show you the movie of the winner race here. Super exciting. Here comes the car(?core?). It goes slow along between the gold atoms. You cannot see what is dust and what is gold. It looks the same. But it went really, really fast.

01:01 So, nanotechnology, the future of nanotechnology. You may already be familiar, some of you, with the present of nanotechnology. We're going to go way out. We're going to take a trip into the future today. That's happening already. This is already happening. These are, it's called here, nanoscale robots.
Thought-Controlled Nanoscale Robots in a Living Host

In other words, there are nanoscale devices that go into the brain. In this experiment, not into the human brain. They're doing this in insects.

01:35 One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection.

01:38 Intelligent evil dust scattered everywhere, like confetti in everything.

01:45 How would you suggest this is going to be dispersed, in aerosol? Well, so the present plan and the tests that we've done so far have used respiratory viruses, such as flu or rhinoviruses. And we believe that that's a satisfactory way to get the exposure of the largest part of the population. Most of us, of course, have been exposed to both of those viruses.

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