1 year ago

Clips from a video posted by Dr. Sam Bailey on 25 April 2023

Go to her Odysee channel and look at the titles of all her videos. They will answer your intelligent questions and address your reasonable arguments & objections. It's only natural to question & challenge the assertion that there are no viruses, but ain't it weird how, up until now, we never questioned or challenged the assertion that they did exist?

We trusted our doctors & health-related scientists with blind faith that they understood science and how it MUST adhere to the Scientific Method, and yet, evidently, 99% of them were taught pseudoscience and never learned about the Scientific Method related to virology & microbiology. Not one of them since the 1920s was taught the airtight logic of attempting to mimic so-called Natural Transmission if you wanted to prove an illness or disease is contagious and spread by germs or viruses.

The scientists USED TO understand that logic back in the first 25 years of the 20th century. They TRIED to make healthy volunteers sick by exposing them closely to sick people, and FAILED over & over & over again.

Big Pharma didn't like those results.

Big Pharma needed people to believe they catch illnesses & diseases from other people so synthetic vaccines could be sold by the hundreds of millions every year. Big Pharma needed everyone to believe that bacteria are bad so hundreds of millions of antibiotics could be sold every year.

Anti-biotic = ANTI BIO >> ANTI means against, and BIO means life >> So, AGAINST-LIFE -- It means KILLER OF LIVING THINGS.

Bacteria are microscopic LIVING THINGS. They actually move, eat, and poop. They live and die.

Antibiotics wreak havoc on the helpful bacteria in your guts. They do not target specific bacteria, they attack AS MUCH as they can throughout your entire body.

Bacteria are janitors, vultures >> they only eat dead material >> they do not attack living cells or tissue >> they help clean up and eliminate what the body does not want or need anymore.

If you interfere with the way the body takes care of itself and kill what it uses to get rid of toxins and dead material, then you are going to eventually experience symptoms of illness or disease, and then the doctor will say that something other than antibiotics made you sick, and will prescribe more antibiotics or some other synthetic chemical that your body will not like because it is unnatural & toxic, and you will develop more symptoms, and pretty soon the doctor will tell you that you now have a chronic disease that can only be managed for the rest of your life with synthetic medicines and cannot be cured. And it was all caused by the medicines in the first place and not by any virus or bacteria or mysterious cause.

Philosopher Newport

Original Full Video >>

These clips first published at

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