LuxCore SSE2/MB:errs&FIXED [-KI’TOV=SUCC.] DETAILED #3 |Embree|… .a *SUFFIX| link.txt #eco

1 year ago

DETAILS & User Experience
Success! It renders! -Saved money don't having to buy new motherboard (mainboard), nor to replace system processor . Older sometimes means better. But... on Linux System, ...several things are ancient – Python command line is the main example, despite it is OK version/binary/ABI, that stunned me a bit – GUI of ***Python SELECTIVE versions*** having ARROW KEYS INFUNCTIONALITY (despite modern Lin.). You cannot move caret, a hack way is still to make bash one-liner. Problem lies in the proper philosophy & spirituality, and its name is, very, very shortly, bufoonism. I started this topic, placed on some special playlists. Some other interesting things I found at this compilation trial. For example, I symlinked certain lib during compilations (i had to do it additionally!!). NumPy downgrade turned out to be compatible! I fixed „glue” Blender-Python/Boost issues. I had to trick CMake at least two times. The new --fresh option parameter apparently removed link.txt and CMake cache, now I copied it.... though better way is making solution in bash/sh.
•Blender version: 3.3.6
•LuxCore Render development version
•Previous parts (# 1-# 2) contained in apropiate playlist, as usually
•in 3 p l a y l i s t s
#mnemonics #sse #luxcore #testing #upgrading #bugs #renderer #installing #installation #computerart #solution #fix #plugin #blenderartists #detailing #details #coding #programming #userexperience

LuxCore SSE2/MB:errs&FIXED [-KI’TOV=SUCC.] DETAILED #3 |Embree|… .a *SUFFIX| link.txt #eco

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