IRS data shows residents fleeing Illinois

1 year ago

Last year, several high profile corporations left Illinois. Governor Pritzker was dismissive of this fact and argued that countless companies are coming to Illinois. If this is the case, why does the IRS report of an exodus of taxpayers?
The IRS publishes data on adjusted gross income and taxpayers annually. There has been claims by the governor and other democrats that the 2020 census undercounted the state’s population. However, IRS data shows the Illinois is losing taxpayers and income at an ever increasing rate.
The IRS shows that over 100,000 people left Illinois in 2021 with almost $11 billion in adjusted gross income versus $8.5 billion in 2020 and $6 billion in 2019. Residents from Illinois are going to Florida, Texas, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
One of the biggest issues in Illinois is the raising of taxes to pay for underfunded public worker pensions and inefficient social programs.
The people leaving Illinois pay more in taxes than the people coming to the state.
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