Reverse ATM's - Cash converted to Debit Cards - Going Cashless

1 year ago

We are quickly headed to a cashless world. One of the several nefarious reasons for the Covid Plandemic was to spread the propaganda that cash is dirty and contaminated with pandemic causing pathogens.

It started about 10 years ago when hotels wouldn't accept cash, now some cities are banning the use of cash altogether.

Some college stadiums will not even accept cash for a small box of popcorn and a toxic soda.

People may think this makes sense and simplifies transactions and it's convenient, but when you understand that there is a very devious plot behind this digital push that will allow the globalist bankers to have complete control of your finances on an individual level.

Oh, you didn't get Covid Booster #17? Okay, but we are closing access to your digital wallet and your CBDC's until we receive verification that you and you children are up to date on all vaccines. It is for your health and the safety of the community.

Oh, you purchased 5 lbs of beef this week? Okay, but you are now penalized for violating the Global Warming Climate Change Act. Your digital wallet is now restricted to purchasing beef and dairy for one month. It is for the protection of Mother Gaia, have a great day.

This is the way of the they say.

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