Lazarus, Jobe, trials, truth and faith. God fixed Lazarus face too. 😊

1 year ago

In these times we must not walk by sight but by faith in the truth of God by Jesus Christ.

We'll need to be careful, always reminding self and each other not to be coming into agreement with the enemy, the liar.

Holy Spirit told me a few weeks ago to stay close to him and fix our eyes on him because of the lies/deception that evil is going to work is an effort to gain power over God's kingdom by getting us to come into agreement with them unwittingly unknowingly by deception thereby giving them legal precedents in the spiritual realms.

Another way to combat such things is by clearing the soul, the temple of God, of the unclean. Jesus turned over the mony changers tables and chased them out of the temple Court yard thereby cleansing the temple of the unclean. You have the Spirit of Jesus Christ in you. Ask him to help you cleans your soul. Evil is sneaky and they'll hide out but with the holy spirit & Jesus Christ they can be found and sent packing never to return.

We're in and coming into even great times! But fear not, our God, the truth and creator and sustainer of all things, who is also our Holy Father in heaven who has made us heirs to his throne & kingdom, is with us. We have his favor and his power.

Abba & Jesus Christ you are my God and their is none greater than you. Forgive me of my unbelief, my weak faith and for being so blinded by pride/ego/haughtiness as to not realize I can come to you & invite you to examine me frequently & lead me to places I need to change to please you. Thank you for long suffering & patience with me in your wonderful grace and mercy. I desire to go deeper into relationship with you & your kingdom. I humble myself before you, I am yours. All of me. Just as I am. You are my King, the one who laid down his for me, so, here, is my life, laid down for you. I forfeit my life for you. I am your willing servent. Do as you will in, of, by, through & too me. I am yours and you are mine. Here am I LORD, use/send me in your all powerful mighty name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.

4/30/2023 Sunday 7:36am

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