SW22 Victory 22lr Target Pistol Racegun

1 year ago

If you’ve ever wanted to get into local shooting matches or want to inspire a friend, wife, or child to pick up pistol proficiency/shooting sports, I recommend the SW 22lr “Victory” pistol with a few Tandemkross components which will increase your consistency and accuracy (lower times). This pistol is an awesome starting point where you can’t go wrong, the Victory with Tandemkross is a platform you can go from beginner to winning competitions without spending a fortune.

Even though I’ve always been a fan of Ruger’s MK series which Tandemkross supports as well, I’ve been attracted to the SW Victory for a few reasons. The Victory has a very simple breakdown even a child could clean, a low price tag, and it comes factory with fiber optics sights, adjustable rear sight post, an alternate picatinny-rail with a fixed rear post, threaded barrel with thread protector, and an adjustable trigger! It’s easy to see Smith and Wesson made this gun with a purpose.

In the upcoming weeks I’ll be reviewing this platform and going through each component in more detail. I’m excited to get this in the hands of some new shooters and also see what some veterans can really do with it.

Check out this video and I’ll walk you through what we’ll be trying out.

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