On the Dam Quemahoning 34 miler trail race 1st overall 4:48:18 new course record by 8 minutes.

1 year ago

On the Dam Trail 34 miler 1st overall in 4:48:15 I believe is what official time was. Which is a new course record!!! By 8 minutes and 3 seconds. Least minutes are correct.

Had no intentions to attempt to do it. Didnt even try to go fast 1st loop. I always burn up during race by doing something dumb so I wanted to run comfortably all race and complete it healthy unlike previous years. Finished 1st loop in 2:18. Then I said "f" word few times in my head. Cause record was 4:56:18 so had 2 hours 38 minutes for 2nd loop which is about a 9:30 pace. So yea decided try a bit. But didn't want redline and blow up. Worst mile was when poop in woods giving me a 11 min mile, that's when i think I got a tick on me that had pull off later.

So yea. Tried running comfortably but the poop gave just enough time for legs go in recovery mode so from then on they were stiff that was about mile 21ish of race. Somehow got it done. Even while body started shut down from lack of food I take. Managed to eat some to keep me just above a disaster but a was teetering on that edge.

Pushed through and did it. More later when I upload my complete race cap. I do think weather kept me cool all which helped as well. Though I might have set the record again today i still think a 410-420 is possible for someone who is better then me and goes for it. I just physically can't put together a complete race I just always managed to screw it up somehow. Check out how fat I am. I'll post last year's pic in comments. School has seriously started killing me. And whatever is wrong with elme had added 10ish pounds in last month and half.

And the award I got is amazing. It was the one I wanted. When I saw them.

I'll upload more pics and my youtube recap later.

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