French actress Eva Green awarded $1m after High Court win

1 year ago

French actress Eva Green awarded $1m after High Court win

French actress Eva Green has won a High Court case in London over her $1m fee for a sci-fi film that never got made. She sued White Lantern Film, claiming she was owed the sum after the film collapsed amid a bitter dispute with producers. The ruling follows a trial in January, where text messages in which Ms Green called one producer a "moron" and another "evil" were revealed.

White Lantern claimed her "unreasonable demands" derailed the film, A Patriot. On Friday, judge Mr Justice Green ruled that the 42-year-old actress was entitled to her fee, and dismissed White Lantern's counterclaim.

Do you think actors and actresses have the right to demand high salaries, even when a film is not made?

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