Solar Plexus Activation by Lacunae Glow

1 year ago

Solar Plexus Activation is designed to surround you so you may like to listen in headphones, the frequencies are for your Solar Plexus Activation. Meditation, Energising, Angelic Vocals.
Solar Plexus Activation

Frequencies for Confidence and Motivation

Yellow is the Colour of Meditation for your

Solar Plexus Activation

Your Solar Plexus is above your navel

And below your heart

Energy wheels turning

Of your infinite power

And your own unique spark

Let the frequencies surround you as you clear emotion

Let the frequencies guide you as you obtain vision and expression

Be at one, We All are as One

Across the World, the fabric of love

Extends to all of Creation.

Be in touch with your gut instinct, and Intuition,

You’re divine charisma in action, Rise !

Feel your energy Activation, the energy of the sun integrates with your core,

Your energy wheel of abundance illuminates your Soul !

You are radiant, You are Divine, You are as the Sun, You Shine !

We are All as One, We unfold in love, We are at One.

Rise, Rise, Rise, Rise, Rise, Rise, Rise

We are All as One, Be at One, You Are Divine ! You Are Divine !

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