What Really Happened? The Holocaust Pt. 2 - Auschwitz

1 year ago

What really happened at Auschwitz? For 35 years the Soviet narrative told us that 4.5 million Jews were gassed at Auschwitz. Since the early 1990s, the new narrative is that 1 million Jews were gassed at Auschwitz. Why did the narrative change? How could the narrative have changed and there still be 6 million Jews gassed by the Nazis? In this episode, we discuss the truth about what really happened at Auschwitz from a variety of angles.

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The Hoax of The 20th Century by Arthur Butz
David Cole in Auschwitz - https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1004&play=94#watch

Holocaust Series:

The Holocaust Pt. 1 - The Claim and an Overview - https://rumble.com/v2jys0a-what-really-happened-the-holocaust-pt.-1-the-claim-and-an-overview.html

The Holocaust Pt. 2 - Auschwitz - https://rumble.com/v2l7akk-what-really-happened-the-holocaust-pt.-2-auschwitz.html

The Holocaust Pt. 3 - Treblinka and Conclusion - https://rumble.com/v2miq3g-what-really-happened-holocaust-pt.-3-treblinka-and-conclusion.html

The Holocaust Pt. 4 - Majdanek - https://rumble.com/v2qeb4u-what-really-happened-the-holocaust-pt.-4-majdanek.html

The Holocaust Pt. 5 - Other Facts - https://rumble.com/v4dv59u-the-holocaust-pt.-5-other-facts.html

The Holocaust Pt. 6 - Operation Reinhardt - https://rumble.com/v4dvwsu-the-holocaust-pt.-6-operation-reinhardt.html

The Holocaust Pt. 7 - Sobibor - https://rumble.com/v4dwezf-the-holocaust-pt.-7-sobibor.html

The Holocaust Pt. 8 - Census Data - https://rumble.com/v4xkdre-the-holocaust-pt.-8-census-data.html

The Holocaust Pt. 9 - 1948 Red Cross Report - https://rumble.com/v4z7302-the-holocaust-pt.-9-1948-red-cross-report.html

The Holocaust Pt. 10 - Why EXACTLY 6 Million? - https://rumble.com/v53aozc-the-holocaust-pt.-10-why-exactly-6-million.html

The Holocaust Pt. 11 - Einsatzgruppen Reports Part A - https://rumble.com/v54ktxc-the-holocaust-pt.-11-einsatzgruppen-reports-part-a.html

The Holocaust Pt. 11 - Einsatzgruppen Reports Part B - https://rumble.com/v54lma4-the-holocaust-pt.-11-einsatzgruppen-reports-part-b.html

The Holocaust Pt. 12 - Motives for the Holocaust Narrative - https://rumble.com/v55wtnn-the-holocaust-pt.-12-motives-for-the-holocaust-narrative.html

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