Clovas H. Snitch nThe BIGGEST P3do Baiter n Supporter

1 year ago

perfect example of a snitch, that uses P3dos that have taken some type of plea deal to become snitches - She gets to use them as weapons to entrap ppl - then when when you call clovas out, she either calls the cops on ya and/or tries or threatens to sue you - or the cex offender might sue you Like the one she palled around with (Mark Conners), So He can either sue you, Then they Split the money, AND OR - Maybe have your children lined up to be sold, or already picked out - they gaslight Law Enforcement together - you lose your children - The PDF FORCE is There with a Camera As CPS is bringing them out of the house - The Buyer gets to see what he purchased. This Is WhY The Clovas Crew N The PDF FORCE have Teamed Up together Now. These are No BS scenarios. Other LE and Investigators Have Found the same thing. Clovas Could quit possibly have some type of snitch Qualified Immunity - Proceed with caution, i did what i did, WHAT I DID - To prove these things written here - at this time... To answer many questions for Many PPL, SO YOU DIDNT HAVE TO GO THERE. I SAID I WOULD, These are My findings, Opinion, Comedy, And Taking a deep dive - So once again, friends and family of mine could have some questions answered, And Didnt have to go there. These are The Nuts N Bolt of how it works.

Who encouraged Corrine to call cps on toasted?

If u call into Lawrence county sheriff's, and use the code word "Clovas" U might be able to talk to the Sheriff - DIRECTLY! Just Sayin....

Oh Yeah, Dont Forget Ur Product Placement And SimpDetractor Placement - At That Perfect Time!

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