Lhisa ~ Namor, The Sub Mariner Theme (English & Latin)

1 year ago

Hey Folks. So my new project that I had been working on was re-doing Marvel's 1966 Namor, The Sub-Mariner Theme my way with the song also in Latin.

THE TRACK: https://www.reverbnation.com/lhisa/song/33078721-lhisa-namor-sub-mariner-theme-marvel?source=artistProfile

Also Checkout My Comic Strip: https://ferrelux.com/avenattis-marvel-universe-dc

The Marvel Lyrics:
Stronger than a whale. He can swim anywhere. He can breathe under water
and go flying through the air. The Noble Sub-Mariner, Prince of the Deep.
So beware you deadly Demons. For Namor of Atlantis is the Prince of the Deep.

My Latin Translation :
Fortior quam balena. Natare potest usquam. Spirare sub aqua et ire per aera volans. Nobilis Sub-Mariner. Princeps (Mar) Abyssi. Cavete ergo tu Daemones mortiferos. Causa Namor Atlantis Princeps (Mar) Abyssi

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