Red Pill Politics (4-29-23) - Natural Antibiotics & How I make Colloidal Silver

1 year ago

About five years ago I dabbled with including short segments in the show regarding preparedness. For some reason I stopped doing it, but I started hearing from people that were looking forward to those short topic specific segments and wanted to see them again. So I am!

After COVID-19(84) caused many of us to take a closer look at how many medications, especially antibiotics, come from China and other foreign sources. The truth is alarming; A national security risk actually!

So I wanted to share the process I use to make Colloidal Silver. I'm NOT going to tell you what it does or does not do, nor am I going to tell YOU what is right or wrong for you. So if you've already researched Colloidal Silver and thinking of making it, this video is a overview of my personal supplies and testing equipment.

There are plenty of ways to do this wrong and I discus several of the most common. I also touch on a couple inexpensive meters that will allow you to measure the concentration of your solution, but also come in handy in a variety of other SHTF situations where monitoring your water supply or natural waterways can save your life.

NOTE: The process I use involves electricity & water! I officially do NOT suggest to anyone that they play with electricity and/or water!

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