Cursing the GENOCIDE Masters

1 year ago

Rex Christi- The President didn't do enough quickly enough by doing too much too fast to handle the Chinese Virus, and he is incompetent no matter how over-hyped this virus is and how well it was handled because he didn't shut down the country fast enough and he tanked the economy too quickly so stay at home unless you need to go out and wear a mask but stay away from other people and support your community by protecting old people as we send COVID patients into nursing homes along with their body bags so that we get herd immunity by quarantining healthy people and then after the virus mutates over 100 times a magic vaccine will save all of us until the second wave hits because Trump is incompetent.
You are going to die. Vote for Biden's Vice President, because what difference, at this point, does it make.
We have an opportunity for a new world order, yes we can.
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