There is NO SUCH THING As a Safe Currency Now!

1 year ago

NOT the almighty American dollar, NOT cryptocurrency, NOT gold, NOTHING.

"Hurry Up Guys, the Apocalypse is Coming! Save Your Gold!"

Unless you own an 18 wheeler to move your gold and silver investments when the proverbial shit hits the fan, what's the point?

Gold and silver commodities brokers are frantically trying to unload their gold and silver lately.

Why? Well prices have risen once again and they all want to sell at a profit at your expense. Some of these brokers actually keep hands on all of your gold so you wouldn’t need a transport truck at all. But how would you get your gold when the world collapses?...

Honestly folks when, as they say, the proverbial shit hits the fan and the world finally collapses in on itself gold will do you absolutely NO good.

Can you eat gold? Can you trade gold for food when you’re starving and no one has food available? Probably not. You can't take it with you. Gold is worthless in Heaven & they don't take credit cards in hell.

If you had a gun you could hunt for food. If you owned a tank of gas with a generator maybe you could survive comfortably. If you actually had anything other than gold to help a person survive an apocalypse you’d probably be ok for awhile.

But I guarantee in this world climate of ours today if you invest in the big CON of gold you're only kidding yourself because the ones selling it to you already know.

Invest in things you can trade. If you really think you want to be alive during an apocalypse...

The best anyone can do right now is prepare for the inevitable. When the banks fail, (and I'm not saying IF they fail, they already ARE failing.), there will be NOTHING that will save you.

So what things do I suggest you can trade? Fuel, food, cigarettes? Fuel is too precious to trade. Food only helps those who have it. Forget about cigarettes unless you are growing your own tobacco. The ONE thing that you can earn money from and keep you financially strong is alcohol, if you learn how to make it NOW. There will always be alcoholics and they will pay YOUR price to get it. You can make it yourself easily by getting a small scale still, say around 5 gallons in size. Google "Vevo Distillers" or look for it on Amazon. All you need to make alcohol is corn and sugar. A 5 gallon distiller needs a heat source, but it doesn't have to be electricity. Firewood will do. And let's not forget the medical uses for alcohol that will also be in demand. Don't forget to arm-up and stock up on ammunition. When people get desperate, they will do whatever they need to survive, including killing their neighbors.

The ONLY thing that will be a tenable means of buying anything is goods that can be traded, bartered, what have you. If you know nothing about survival, now would be a good time to review what happened when the economy collapsed in

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