27-76: Sirian Communications

1 year ago

27-76: Sirian Communications

Your world is going through the final stages of evolution from a third dimensional society to a fifth dimensional society. The classifications we are working with are becoming common knowledge to the appointed and so you do not need to delineate every aspect. Primarily the 5D takes on the capacity to love and transfer knowledge on a more universal basis in the mind of the whole. This provides for an intuitive landscape that is brought forth by an insight or the direct knowing of what is occurring. The 3D is connected to the material reality as a prime focus of consciousness and to the chalice of the elemental and mineral second dimension where the solid firmament is grounded and contained upon your planet. 5D energy is streamed into the galaxy along measured time lines and connected to the morphogenetic fields of creation that are structured into the emotional astral planes. To clarify further of the movement of 5D evolution pertains to the purification and razing of the energy level of the astral, emotional 4D level to hold the purposeful awareness of 5D energies.

From the Sirian perspective the human elements are unaware of other existences. The whole point of this exercise in communication is to bring your level of awareness up to a state of perception where you can trust this transformation and see past the limitations of your 3d world. The comfort levels of your world are gone as the acceleration of time has speeded up to an immense degree. This ride will end up in the 5D consciousness where you will see the formation of a new generation of awareness and hence a new world. Your 3D bodies will still exist on the earth plane and your lives will remain within a similar context yet you will find that your mind and spirit have been transformed into a 5D consciousness.

Presently you are experiencing a war on the 4D plane which is concurrent with the exploitation of the 2D mineral and elemental realms, The disturbances are being felt in 3D with a resounding crack in all the structures as the connection to the higher realms are being reestablished. Trust and the need for you to reconnect to your spirit or the fifth dimensional being is becoming more and more important in this now. I am as it where part of that spiritual connection and we are not speaking of a religious connection as most of what you see as religion or 99 percent is misaligned 4D energies that cause great distress and confusion.

The way to determine if you are seeing in 4D or 5D energies is to see if there is duality. 4D is dualistic and always in battles of polarized forces of good and evil. The Gods that are being represented are in conflict and spend their time attempting to achieve 3D power through humans and entities of lesser form. The way the dimensional system is structured is that there are octaves and harmonics which require a step-down and uplift of energies in order to transmute or transgress. Sirians communicate from the level at 5D and 6D with a chosen role to move into 7D. Humans communicate from the levels of 3D and 4D and their role is into move to the 5D energies. In the 2D realms for humans and for Sirians of 4D are challenged to overcome the tendency to drop or digress or transgress a barrier down and misuse this dimension for lower benefit. The upward spiral ascends as the discipline and the power grows in consciousness integrity. The focus of evolution is a path of climbing in accordance with a plan of increased integrity and expanding capacity.

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