If its not a Virus Andrew Kaufman MD Shepard Ambellas

1 year ago

Is there really any difference between the pandemic and Project Blue Beam? What do we really have to go on? Some fuzzy pictures and no physical evidence and the entire planet locks down. What did they do to prove a virus?
Collect bronchoalvelolar (lung) fluid and other samples. Find and separate genetic material from the sample. Sequence the genetic material. What about purifying the “virus” first??? Where did the genetic material come from? The “rapidly developed a qualitative PCR detection…” (diagnostic test) tests for RNA sequence, not the virus. There is no gold standard –COVID-19 has never been purified and visualized –Only visualized from one patient inside a human cell –RT-PCR never tested against gold standard. Thus, accuracy of test unknown!!! (estimated 80% false positive rate).
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