John D. Rockefeller (JDR) - The Destruction of Natural Herbal Medicine

1 year ago

John D. Rockefeller (JDR) - The Destruction of Natural Herbal Medicine

• When JDR Seized all US Media, he also highjacked US Medicine

• Medicine used for thousands of years were classified as “alternative”, while highly addictive patentable petroleum drugs were declared the gold standard

• JDR leveraged congress to declare natural healing modalities “Unscientific Quackery.”

• JDR took over the AMA & offered massive grants to top medical schools under the mandate his curriculum be taught.

• The healing powers of herbs, plants, & diet were erased from medical textbooks

• Docs & profs who objected were crucified by the MSM, removed from the AMA, & stripped of their license.

• When evidence emerged petroleum based medicines caused cancer, JDR founded the American Cancer Society

• Every year Big Pharma spends twice the amount as Big Oil to influence laws, policies, & public perception.

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