Can I Know I'll Go To Heaven? (Pastor Jesse Martinez)

1 year ago

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” —Proverb 11:30

There's a wonderful poem written by Evangelist John R. Rice (1895-1980), founder of the Sword of the Lord, titled: “SOULS ARE DYING”...

One lost sheep, the Shepherd sought me, leaving ninety-nine
Safe and shelter'd, but He yearned for this poor soul of mine.
Oh, He found me, then He laid me on His shoulders strong,
Now He grieves o'er all the straying, dying throne.

Souls are dying, millions dying, dying one by one;
Aliens, strangers, blinded, sinning, without Christ the Son.
Sons of Adam, born of woman, born with hearts of sin.
Only Jesus' blood can save them, trusting Him.

Once I had a friend and loved him, hoped to see him saved,
Waiting long, alas I waited till he slipped away.
Death had claimed him, unforgiven, while I vainly sought
A convenient time to win him, Christ had bought.

Souls are dying, brother, do you care?
Souls undone, away from God, my brother, do you care?
Souls are dying, brother, do you care?
Souls are dying.

SOURCE: 742 Heart-Warming Poems by Dr. John R. Rice, poem # 670.

You'd never hear it in the news, but on average, over 200,000 people die every day in this world. Do the math. There's an estimated 8 billion people in the world. If the average person lives to be 70-years old, that means 8 billion people will all die within the next 70-years (on average). If we divide 8 billion by 70, and then divide that result again by 365 days in a year, we get 313,111 people dying every single day. Of course, on some days more people die, and on others less. My point is that 8,000,000,000 people living today will all be dead within 150 years from today. It's either Heaven or Hell.

How tragic that the average Christian today has been choked by the cares and riches of this carnal world. Luke 8:14, “And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection.” Oh, how the tears will flow in Heaven, from the eyes of believers who lived for the pleasures of this temporal life, who selfishly did their own thing, who worked all the overtime they could get, but hardly ever, if ever, told lost souls how to be saved through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Souls are dying, brother. Do you care? Souls are dying, sister, do you care?

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