The Old School of Woke

1 year ago

Just a few hours ago on Friday Night Firelight, Brian’s ALTER EGO went after the Mean Girl Mobs of social media, and Bully Boys (don’t want to be sexist) and the whole idea of this “new” ideology of “Woke culture.”

Ley’s be clear, this vile viewpoint is not new, but knew. Like cicadas, it comes back around ever so often, nothing creative contrary to their howling at the Moon rallying cry, and when it does, you can’t get any sleep with your windows open. I like to think of it as the Seventeen Year Bitch.

For the love of God, make it stop.

Cue the crickets/critics of this point of view.

Study the history of Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong Il/Jong Un…pick your poison; the woke ideology is a rehashed attempt by a select few pathological sadists to paint the portrait of the Boogeyman Du jour so that the disgruntled masses have a misplaced target for their rage. They simply beg the “brats at large” to brawl for them, a fight they have not the balls to bring themselves. Puppeteers to an unsuspecting gang of angry discontents hellbent on corralling your freedoms, first being our speech.

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