Freeze Dried Scrambled Eggs

1 year ago

I am so excited to try my freeze dried eggs for the first time. My ladies are on break, but thankfully I had planned ahead and have plenty of eggs stored for baking, cooking, and more! One of my biggest reasons for purchasing a Freeze Dryer! Anyhoooo..... I am impressed! They eggs re-constituted way better than frozen, and tasted just like fresh! Hey... don't believe me... ask "Buddy Luke"! Origionally this video was to be part of the #threeriverschallenge #threeriverspantrychallenge, but decided that we needed it in the #freezedriedfebruary23 collaboration! Hope you enjoy visiting with me and talking about what I did with my freeze dried eggs, onions, tomatoes, and peppers. And plans of what we might freeze dry next!

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