Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - Stories behind this Natural Herb & Its Potential Health Benefits

1 year ago

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✅-SHATAVARI - Historically it is known to be derived from Lord Narayana / Vishnu, hence called ‘Narayani’. The word Shatavari consists of two words Shat (means hundred) and var (means husbands). Its name is translated as “having one hundred roots” and also referred to as meaning “having one hundred husbands. Shatavari also means ‘acceptable to many’.

✅-Shatavari, also known as satavari, satavar, or Asparagus racemosus is said to promote fertility and have a range of health benefits, particularly for the female reproductive system, thus known as the female-friendly herb. Shatavari is Rasayana (Rejuvenating), and anti aging. It has been placed in the Balya (strength-promoting) and Vayasthapan (longevity-promoting) groups of medicinal herbs.

✅-It is helpful in menstrual disorders, maintains a healthy nervous system, and hormonal function, and acts as a uterine tonic. It is advised for PMS, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhoea, menopause, and pelvic inflammatory disease like #Endometriosis. It treats #heartburn, colitis, #hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, dysentery, and bronchial infections as well.

✅- Shatavari is said to be an excellent galactagogue. It increases production, secretion i.e. quality, and quantity of #breastmilk.

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