"It all started in the 80s when the HIV / AIDS crisis

1 year ago

💰"Follow The Money"💰

Fauci released AIDS without a cure [KNOWINGLY] in a strategic ploy to amass Pharma Power & get the FDA to be funded by the very Pharmaceutical companies they regulate.

Pharma Lobbying Power

New Way To Fund FDA :
"It all started in the 80s when the HIV / AIDS crisis was creating FEAR amongst the masses. People were upset that experimental treatments were taking too long to be approved by FDA.
CONGRESS shifted to how the FDA was funded to speed up the process.
The new setup would have drug companies footing part of the bill."
♾Pharma Power💰

"An agency (FDA) that was once fully taxpayer funded & thus worked ONLY for the American People, has now shifted to being largely funded by the very industries it regulates.

45% of the FDA's overall budget now comes from the companies it's reviewing.
65% of the FDA's budget, specifically for human drug regulation, comes DIRECTLY from Big Pharma itself."

Big Pharma has grown into a diabolical monster that needs to be slayed.

⚡ϕ 🧲

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