1 year ago

Beets are a root vegetable that slightly resemble turnips. They typically have a rough outer skin that covers their root, which is attached to their long green stem and leaves. Early evidence shows that beet greens were used for food, while the roots had medicinal uses. Some peoples also used the greens to heal wounds. Though they’re best known for their deep red colour, beets actually come in several shades. Most stores stock red beets, so you may have to go to the farmer’s market or specialty foods store to find less common types. When it comes to beets, opinions are fiercely divided. Some people love them, and others loathe them. If you’ve ruled beets out, this video might just convince you to give them a second chance. Stay tuned for some of the biggest health benefits of beets, including beetroot juice and leaves. 1. They Can Lower Blood Pressure The nitrate content of beets is converted to nitric oxide, which helps improve blood flow. This is beneficial on the cardiovascular system and helps reduce blood pressure. Participants in one study found that within 6 hours of drinking beet juice, their blood pressure levels were significantly lower. Another study found that drinking a glass of beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 4 to 5 points. It’s thought that nitric oxide dilates blood vessels, improves flow of blood and lowers blood pressure. 2. They Can Make You a Better Athlete The nitrates in beets improve blood flow, which helps move oxygen throughout your body. Endurance athletes often drink beetroot juice to improve performance. Better oxygen flow means that the athlete’s heart and lungs don’t have to work so hard during exercise, allowing them to perform vigorous activity for longer. Beets can also increase time-to-exhaustion in athletes. In other words, drinking beet juice before exercise seems to prevent fatigue and muscle exhaustion. It’s not clear whether this is because muscle damage lessens or because repair is enhanced, but either way, the results are positive. Studies suggest that beetroot juice should be consumed within 90 minutes of starting athletics for the best outcomes. 3. They Can Reduce Inflammation in Your Body The betalain in beets can reduce inflammation, which researchers theorize is partially due to its ability to interfere with the inflammatory signalling process. The anti-inflammatory effects of betalain are so promising that some researchers believe beetroot extract supplements could rival the benefits of certain synthetic drugs. 4. They Can Improve Your Digestive Health Beets are high in fibre, which is good for your gut. The fibre in beets resists digestion in the stomach and small intestine and travels intact into the colon, where health-promoting gut bacteria ferment it and use it for food. The fibre also provides roughage that moves food through your intestines. Eating enough fibre protects against constipation, haemorrhoids, colon cancer, acid reflux, ulcers and obesity. 5. They Are Good for Your Brain Many cognitive diseases appear to be triggered by an interruption in nitric oxide pathways. It makes sense then that nitrates in beets can help improve brain function by increasing oxygen flow. One recent study demonstrated the ability of beet juice to improve blood flow to the brain during exercise. None of the participants regularly exercised, and all were on blood pressure medication. They were asked to exercise for 50 minutes, three times per week for six weeks, on a treadmill. Half drank high-nitrate beet juice concentrate before exercise, and half drank an identically flavoured and coloured placebo drink with almost zero nitrates. Those who consumed the beet juice drink showed improved function in the areas of the brain related to motor control, emotion, and cognition, compared to those in the placebo group. 6. They Have Cancer-Fighting Properties Beets are known to have antioxidant properties, which protect cells from free radicals. Most specifically, the betanin in beets has been studied for its ability to protect against cancer. Some researchers even see the potential for beet extracts for use in chemotherapy. Of course, we don’t have to wait until cancer strikes to start taking advantage of the cancer-fighting properties of beets. 7. They Boost Your Immunity Beets are high in zinc, copper, and vitamins A and C — all nutrients known to boost immunity. Vitamin A increases antibody production and stimulates your white blood cells, which help ward off infections. Beets also contain iron, which is needed to carry oxygen throughout your body, keep your cells strong, and enhance immune defence. 8. They Can Boost Your Libido The use of beets as an aphrodisiac dates back to the time of the Romans, who attributed the beauty and allure of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to her insatiable appetite for beets. Beets are rich in the mineral boron
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