Mark of the beast: Vatican's Sunday law will be enforced soon! (27)

1 year ago

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The video was produced in the outskirts of Cebu City, the Philippines on Sabbath, April 22, 2023.

Mr. Groff, a staunch SUNday keeping Christian, quit his job with the US Postal Services after being asked to worked on SUNday, which he believes to be the Lord’s day or the day of rest, when the 7th day Sabbath is. Sunday is the first day of the week; the Sabbath is the seventh day according to Exodus 20:10.

He brought his case before the Supreme Court of the United States which comprises of 7 Catholic justices, 1 Protestant justice and 1 Jew. I erroneously stated in the video that there were 6 Catholic justices, 1 Protestant justice and 2 Jewish justices.

Should the Supreme Court side in favor of Mr. Groff, this would mean that SUNday keeping American workers can decide to NOT work on SUNday, which will undoubtedly lead to the enforcement of a SUNday law, the prophesied mark of the Vatican beast.

The Vatican, which is the first beast or nation of Revelation 13, and her Babylonian Roman Catholic church, which is the whore of Babylon in Revelation 17 & 18, will enforce its mark with the help of the United States, the second beast of Revelation 13.
The pope’s ‘sabbath’ is SUNday which goes CONTRARY to the biblical and commanded 7th day Sabbath of the Lord thy God in Exodus 20:8-11, the day on which Christ attended public weekly Sabbath worship services in Luke 4 as well as Christians in Acts 13:42, 44 when they gathered to listened to Paul preach on Sabbath day.

This is what the Vatican beast, the first beast of Revelation 13, says about its mark:

"Sunday is our MARK of authority [...] The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact". — Catholic Record of London, Ontario. Sept. 1, 1923.


Revelation 14:9-11 explains why. NOTE: The mark will be applied IN one's mind where the decision-making process occurs or IN one's hand, which symbolizes work and labor.

The mark of the beast has to do with worship based on a false system of worship including the false day of public weekly worship: SUNday, which goes back to Egypt and ancient Babylon (Revelation 14:9; Revelation 16:2; Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:4, King James Bible). The RFID chip, tattoo and vaccines have nothing to do with worship.

Keep the 7th day Sabbath, which is the Creator's holy day or rest and public worship, as per the commandment (Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 58:13-14).

For pastoral advice and guidance, pastor Craig can be reached at

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