Q&A | Cleanliness, Dating Advice, Introverted or Extroverted?

5 years ago

Question and Answer
1:01 What do you look forward to either on a daily basis or occasional future events?
3:05 How do you break bad habits? Thanks man
4:27 What are you looking to accomplish when you have completed producing a video? What is the criteria for job well done and ready to upload or give to the client?
What do you look for in a relationship that lets you know this person is worth keeping around?
How do you determine your financial limit you will invest in a project?
6:19 Do you prefer to, for example, go out with friends and be in busy/loud environments, or are you more of an independent ...truncated
8:05 What are some of the biggest life lessons you've learned?
8:17 Best places in NYC/Brooklyn to do photoshoots (or places you use)?
9:25 What's your opinion on Yoga?
9:36 What’s the worst fashion mistake you’ve made?
10:41 Do you have any tips for becoming more confident? I am very shy and insecure, especially around girls or during dates.
11:36 You seem to have a lot of self-doubts or at least that is what I get from some of your videos. How are you reflecting and tackling the issues of self-doubt?
12:42 What do you find helpful, to get the creative fluids flowing.
13:28 Any style, fashion or general advice for shorter men?
13:57 What's your advice for aspiring post-production artists? Thanks for all the content in the past, I really love it!
15:04 How do you deal with stress?
15:11 How do i go about asking a coworker out on a date?
16:13 Do you have a daily morning routine? Is there a Day in the Life video in the near future?
Also, do you play any musical instruments?
17:01 Are you religious or spiritual at all?
18:03 Are you into wine/spirits/cocktails?
What is your favorite podcast currently and which podcast(s) you'd say inspired you to start your own?
18:39 1. Best podcasts you recommend. 2. Other sources of your development. 3. Do you have some cleaning hacks? Minimalism relates to order and tidiness. What do you do to keep your apartment clean?

Thumbnail photo by @Tailored_Timepieces

--MY MAIN GEAR (the stuff I leave home with)
Camera: https://amzn.to/2lCtkBe ( I love this thing so much!)
Lens: https://amzn.to/2l9lTkK ( It's the ONE lens i recommend )
Audio: https://amzn.to/2lB98Qb ( sweet sweet sounds)
I hold the camera up with this: https://amzn.to/2lafeXu (I love this better than a tripod )

--MY INDOOR HOUSE STUDIO (rarely leaves the house)
My Inside Camera: https://amzn.to/2lqoRBo
My Inside Lens: https://amzn.to/2lCHGl7
My Inside Microphone: https://amzn.to/2lDcUbR
My Inside Audio Amp: https://amzn.to/2k85uNl
My Inside Monitor: https://amzn.to/2lCKu1D

EVERYTHING ELSE: https://kit.co/Buon_Life
MY AMAZON LIST: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thebuonlife

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buon_buon/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Buon_Life
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/buonco
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jeffrey-Buoncristiano-101698526844236/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thebuonlife

Business Inquiries
Email: Jeff@buonco.com

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