Crypto Success - Brad | The Real World | Interview #132

1 year ago

01:13 Brad’s professional background & his passion for dog training
03:09 How did you get into dog training?
07:02 What's been your experience with outsourcing work & why don’t you prefer it?
10:55 How did TRW contribute to your success?
16:00 How much money have you made?
18:13 What campuses inside TRW have contributed the most to your success?
23:16 The hardships that come with self-improvement
24:42 What was the biggest challenge you faced when first starting out inside The Crypto campus?
28:00 Why do they only charge $50?
29:45 What have been the three most impactful lessons you’ve learned from your time inside TRW?
34:08 Where do you see your life heading in 6 months to a year?
37:55 What advice would you give to people who still think TRW is a scam?
39:24 Where can people find you?
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