College Athlete Riley Gaines ASSAULTED by Trans Activists! SimpCast Chrissie Mayr, Brittany Venti

1 year ago

College athlete Riley Gaines speaks out against trans men in women's sports and is assaulted by activists. Lia Thomas rose to fame and infamy when they transitioned from male to female, launching them to the top of the collegiate swimming ranks. Few have been courageous enough to speak out against these practices, and Riley Gaines has been at the forefront of these important questions.
From Simpcast 71 with Nina Infinity, Chrissie Mayr, Brittany Venti, Lila Hart, That Tuggs Life, Kara Lynne, and April Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show

#simpcast #rileygaines #chrissiemayr
Clipped by Gross John.

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