From The Evil Lair: KNO3 Rockets

1 year ago

In this EVIL LAIR Project, we are making Sugar Rockets or KNO3 Rockets. These are not toys, and this project really should not be duplicated. This video is mainly for educational and demonstrational purposes. I highly suggest contacting local rocket clubs to become familiar with local laws, and how to stay out of trouble with the FAA, and avoid hurting any people or property. Playing with unstable rocket motors could result in serious injury, property damage and/or legal ramifications. You should be aware that misuse, or careless use, of rocket propellants or ignition of an incendiary or explosive material may not be legal in your area. Check local laws and inquire with local rocketry clubs on how to safely make and launch sugar rockets.
Learn More about Hobby Rockets here
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Music from Artlist under license by Pocan Joe.
Performed By Anthony Vega
Porker Player
The Fast Runner
The Chase
At Dawn

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