What Would Dolly Say? - original written and performed by Linda Jean (all rights reserved)

1 year ago

*Lyrics below* As i rebuild my channel there are a few old videos that were much liked by friends to my channel....so here is another! This song is always for my mum and my dad who are my life long inspirations......but also as i went through the hardest years of Traumatic Brain Injury and was using my instruments as therapy to get my hand reconnecting to my brain and all the other wonderful issues i dealt with, and still do to an extent, I also turned to one of my musical heroes. Also....in my healing if i start to sink into that dark place i always remember things could be so much worse, and so many out there have to deal with devastating things every day, so i always pick myself up and start counting my blessings and soon I realize things are never so bad when you have life, love, kindness, laughter and blessings in your life. So this song is about that and also the realization that the whole world seems to be suffering from injury also and how if we all filled it with love and kindness and went back to a truer simpler way of being, much like how Dolly grew up and so many of us, we could heal ourselves, each other, and the whole planet! I like to think and hope we are on our way to doing just that! It only takes each of us in our own little realm doing all we can to raise the energy! And so with all of that said.....i love each and every one of you.....and i hope you like my song! Oh! And a little snippet of it was included in a compilation birthday wish a broadcast station right there in Dolly's neck of the woods sent to her with tons of people of all ages from the area sending her love and birthday messages....it was so wonderful to be a part of that and i met my wonderful friends Cami and Madison because of that...Madison is a HUGE Dolly fan and she sings with me on a different video on my channel where we cover God Bless the Broken Road together! I love my little "Dolly friend"! And of course.....i love Dolly!

What Would Dolly Say? - by Linda Jean (all rights reserved)

As a small girl i had the biggest dream,
And impossible as it always seemed,
It always stayed there right in my heart,
To sing my songs.
It was country from the start.

So I learned guitar and before too long
I was singing and playing my very own songs.
It all started by singing in the back of the car,
To my Dad's favorite songs
By the greatest country stars.

Her heart and music, helped shape my life.
A little bit of Dolly makes everything right.
In this world gone crazy let's look back in time,
If we all learned from Dolly...
Everything would be fine.

So I joined a band and played far and wide,
For 16 years it lit up my life,
Till one split second one summer day,
An accident happened
And stole my dream away.

And for a year i couldn't even play,
Tried to find the joys to hold back the pain.
On the days when i woke up feeling totally blue
I'd think to myself...
What would Dolly do?

Her heart and music, helped shape my life.
A little bit of Dolly makes everything right.
In this world gone crazy let's look back in time,
If we all learned from Dolly...
Everything would be fine.

And so I heal each and every day,
Put some makeup on grab a guitar and play.
Some days are hard and if I lose my way
I think to myself..
What would Dolly Say?

I think about the world and how it needs to heal,
It's so out of focus from the things that are real.
If we turned back the clock to a simpler way...
What would Dolly say?

Her heart and music, helped shape our lives.
A little bit of Dolly makes everything right.
In this world gone crazy let's look back in time,
If we all learned from Dolly...
Everything would be fine.

Yodellay hee yodelay hee hoo, lay hee yodelay hee hee
With this world gone crazy, we just need to be kind.
Yodellay hee yodelay hee hoo, yodalidal oda lidal layhee hee
If we shared more kindness, everything would be fine.

If we all learned from Dolly....
If we all learned from Dolly....
If we all learned from Dolly.........
Everything would be fine.

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