Teaching Kids Patriotism and American Values | Guests: Elizabeth Enns and Rabbi Menken

1 year ago

On today’s episode, we have two exciting topics centered around teaching children about America. First, we’re joined by Elizabeth Enns, founder of Patriotic Students of America, to discuss her programs goal to teach kids about patriotism and the positive elements of American history, since our education system only teaches about America’s negatives. Then, we’re joined by Rabbi Menken, Managing Director of the Coalition of Jewish Values, to discuss the importance of teaching children American values and how that starts at the home.

0:00 - Intro
0:37 - Teaching kids about patriotism
11:19 - Teaching kids about American values with Rabbi Menken

Connect with Elizabeth:
Website: https://www.patrioticstudents.com/

Connect with Rabbi Menken:
Website: https://coalitionforjewishvalues.org/

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