1 year ago

Jolyon was clearly letting the home turf advantage of a James O’Brien interview go to his head, as the legal fox made one off-the-cuff admission. Whilst boasting of the Good Law Project’s subscriber numbers on LBC yesterday, Jolyon gloated:

“We now have more than 30,000 people who give us money every month. We would be the second biggest political party judged by subscription income if we were a political party. So, we get more money from our members than the Conservative Party, or the SNP or the Lib Dems do. The only party that gets more is the Labour Party. And we have 50 staff”.

It’s no surprise to see he counts himself amongst the nation’s leading political campaigners.

This is despite the fact the Good Law Project is expressly “a not for profit campaign organisation that uses the law for a better world.” Of course, political parties face more strenuous regulations and restrictions than “not for profit campaign organisations”. Guido will reiterate a view he’s expressed before, if Jolyon is so intent on his political campaigns, he should stop wasting court time and stand for election…

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