Reality’s Algorithm

1 year ago

If you could see the world the way others see it, you’d realise that we really are living in different worlds.

Take colours for example; my pink could be your blue and we’d never know. In a way each of our worlds are works of art that only we get to view.

#reality #robertantonwilson #mandelaeffect #cern #simulationtheory #ufos #aliens #mandelaeffect #consciousness #thematrix #conscious #philosophy #obe #nde #realityisanillusion

#quantumphilosophy #technophilosophy #timeisanillusion #quantumphysics #quantumimmortality #philosophy #timeisanillusion #simulationtheory #infinity #multiverse #aliens #consciousness #manyworlds #freethinker #conscious #timeisanillusion #advaitist #nonduality #alanwatts #buddhism

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