Demonic Possession of Electronic Devices, Including Graphene Nano-Circuitry in the Body

1 year ago

Demonic Possession of Electronic Devices, Including Graphene Nano-Circuitry in the Body From mRNA and Contamination From Quantum Dot Graphene Sprayed in Chemtrails and in Our Food and Water
Gabriel and McKibben
Douglas Gabriel is an ex-Priest and Exorcist who has a Ph.D in Comparative Religion.
He was also an Expert in Advanced Technology who worked for the U.S. Military and the NSA
These claims may sound extremely crazy for those who do not have such a deep understanding of these subjects, but Douglas Gabriel is an Authority on these subjects.
I have seen references by Electrical Engineers who claimed that the symbols used in Electrical Circuitry represented Demons.
The idea that Elemental Spirits (Angelic Entities) manifest in the operation of the physical world is not an uncommon belief.
Douglas Gabriel never ceases to amaze me with his incredible knowledge.
This is a small segment from:
Gabriel and McKibben: City of London, the New Babylon and Khazarian Banksters World Takeover
Gabriel and McKibben: Busting the Biggest Hoax in the World 4-10-2023
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