Dr Roberts: Intelligence Leak Blamed on Airman Likely a Planted Leak by National Security Council

1 year ago

Phenomenology of Delusions
The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right
Looking At the U.S. and NATO Presence in Ukraine — Is That All There Is?
One Possible Source of the Leaked Classified Documents on the War in Ukraine — A Combined Operations Center
I don’t know how this was done, but there is no way that a 21 year old National Guardsman had access to the TS material, especially CIA documents from the CIA’s Operation’s Center. Someone with access to that material had to feed this to this young man and, because he had active clearances, created a predicate crime by posting them on the internet. Here’s my interview today with Judge Napolitano. I will write more tonight.
Obama-era staffer blows whistle on Biden (Today Installed in the White House) kickback scheme: He is 'a criminal'
Former Obama stenographer Mike McCormick claims then-Vice President Biden used American taxpayer money to enrich his family and says Jake Sullivan a 'conspirator.'
The Leak Was the Op – White House and Congress Demand New Powers, Think Restrict Act, in Aftermath of Classified Intel Leaks
Also..., recent Fox News Decision to settle Dominion lawsuit for more than three-quarters of a billion dollars makes no sense https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/04/26/fox-news-decision-to-settle-dominion-lawsuit-for-three-quarters-of-a-billion-dollars-makes-no-sense/
First, corporate executives don’t give away $787 million of shareholders’ money without a test of the claim in court. The uncontested amount is so large that one wonders if Fox News itself paid it or whether this almost $800 million was a gift funneled through an uncontested lawsuit to fund Dominion by our ruling elites. Once elections are determined by how voting machines are programmed, the people are disenfranchised.
Second, it is not defamation to report the news. Tucker Carlson reported the claims of experts. That is news reporting. Dominion’s defamation lawsuit should have been filed against the experts. It wasn’t, because the experts had the evidence.
Third, Experts supplied evidence that the Dominion voting machines could be programmed to count votes differently from how the votes were cast; experts supplied evidence that the machines could be hacked; experts supplied evidence that the voting machines were connected to the Internet. Fox News could have called these experts as expert witnesses. By agreeing to settle, Fox News refused the evidence its day in court. Why?
A possible explanation is that Fox News, voluntarily or involuntarily, participated in an orchestration that established the precedent that reporting news different from the narrative, or news that is unfavorable to a person, company, or government institution, is defamation. Think about what this means. A prosecutor who charges a person with a crime has defamed the person. Truth becomes unreportable. Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh could be charged for defamation, and for being a Russian agent, for reporting that the US government destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline. When we see the few truth-tellers who are the stars of their organizations jettisoned–Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas, President Trump charged under a non-existent law, and Wikileaks’ Julian Assange imprisoned for a decade without due process, we must face the fact that there is an organized conspiracy to suppress truth. We are experiencing the completion of The Matrix in which expressed doubt or even unspoken suspicion of official narratives are criminal offenses. Truth-tellers receive almost nonexistent support. The inescapable conclusion is that in the Western world truth has no future.
Tyranny is upon us.

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