Wild Arms - Part 5: Baskar Village & Mount Zenom

1 year ago

I cannot stress it enough here, get the Escape magic before leaving Baskar Village. Having to repeatedly climb and descend this mountain is extremely annoying. I don't have it here, but I am going to pick it up to prevent this tedium again.

Anyway, we've reached a new village and we need to try to defend the Guardian Seal before the enemy can get there, requiring us to ascend Mount Zenom. The encounter rate here is still a little high, but much better than some of the other areas, as if the devs knew the geography was going to be more of a challenge than anything else. Upon reaching the top, we arrive just in time to see the seal get destroyed, which is our queue to descend the mountain after disposing of an enemy.

Hopefully the next seal will be a little different...

Also, while editing this, it seemed at times like the sound effects were slightly off. I do not have the PS1 version of the game to see if it is like that there or if it may be a side effect of the way the PS3 emulator works. I'll try watching for it in the future to see if it happens again.

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