the love poem...

1 year ago

“The Love Poem”
Original Song By Elizabeth Chase
From her original album “Peace Love & Pianos”

Copyrighted/Owned by Elizabeth Chase
Instruments played by/vocals by Elizabeth Chase
Recorded at Mr. Smalls Studio

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Well I’ve heard some roses may be red and violets blue
But I’m certain I have never heard of a love story so true
Like this love so great and powerful
Shines brighter than the moon
Oh my darling
Oh my love
I love you
(3 chords)
Well I’ve heard sometimes things change and people walk away
But there’s no way I could ever walk away
When a future with you is the only way

Well I know you like the cold and I like it warm
But no matter what together we can weather the storm
Well I’ve heard I am a dreamer who will live in a fantasy land
Well if that’s true I know you would follow me in hand and hand

Because you get my visions to make a better reality for so many
And you understand this is me
You see through to my heart and stand by me
I know you’re not the best with words like me
But I know you love me

Well I’ve heard daisies say he loves me not
But it’s simply not true
Because I can feel how much you love me lots
Oh and I love you

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