The Sibling Song

1 year ago

Song written for my brother Jordy aka one of my best friends to hang out and giggle with about silly things, and for my brother Benjamin up in heaven.
“The Sibling Song”
Original Song By Elizabeth Chase
From her original album “Peace Love & Pianos”

Copyrighted/Owned by Elizabeth Chase
Instruments played by/vocals by Elizabeth Chase
Recorded at Mr. Smalls Studio

“Sometimes we disagree but best friends we will Always be”-The Sibling Song
By Elizabeth Chase

#thesiblings #thesiblingsong #love #friendship #brothers #sisters

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Family for sure
But best friends sounds more fitting to me
Remember when we were playing outside
You’d make me laugh smile and sometimes you’d drive me crazy
I love you so much
Sometimes I worry too much
I always wanna keep you safe and be there for you
You make me happy
Sometimes you’re silly weird funny and caring
(part below not in the instrumental track:)
(This goes out
Oh this goes out
This goes out
Oh this goes out
To my sibling )
Sometimes we disagree
But this I’ll guarantee
(2 scales)
Best friends we’ll always be
(2 scales)
This goes out
Oh this goes out
This goes out
Oh this goes out
To my sibling

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