Why'd You Even Come In Here Music Video

1 year ago

* Epilepsy Warning* *Strobe Light*
(Filmed on iPhone 12)
New Original Song
“Why’d You Even Come In Here”
(Official Music Video)
by Elizabeth Chase

Song From My
“Tropical Paradise Album 💿 🎶
Copyrighted/Music Composed/Lyrics Written
All Instruments played/and Vocals by-Elizabeth Chase
at Mr Smalls Recording Studio
Using video editor filters and strobe
All Music Videos Directed/Created by Elizabeth Chase (and Film Crew)

Digitally Available Now On:
iTunes,Spotify,Triller, Deezer, Tidal, Instagram Music, Snapchat Sounds, Shazam, Amazon Music,iHeartradio, tiktoksounds, Soundcloud, Pandora and More

Link Below:

Official Website:
(Cds and other Merchandise)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethchasemusic/

SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/TLh1w7Ev8mP2Z78m8

Spotify Artist Page: https://open.spotify.com/artist/75qLo8pM0PFNqTf0cfCue2?si=DmBucZ-mRkOY-4z9b79HNg

iTunes Store: Tropical Paradise - by Elizabeth Chase https://music.apple.com/us/album/tropical-paradise-ep/1591242407

Pandora: https://pandora.app.link/o6SbXDrqXob

IHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/artist/elizabeth-chase-35784230?cmp=ios_share&sc=ios_social_share&pr=false

Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B081LC1QR9?ref=dm_sh_uNDaTfWWrI9MiXg1GLslcQ0QQ

Shazam: Why'd You Even Come In Here by Elizabeth Chase. https://www.shazam.com/track/589255069/whyd-you-even-come-in-here?referrer=share

Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/201880782

Triller: https://triller.co/tracks/1d1238ec-d9f1-4f0a-9bf8-2213ed2949e8

Deezer: https://deezer.page.link/wHYaXiXGJdBn28g26

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/ElizabethJChase

Snapchat/Snapchat Sounds: https://www.snapchat.com/add/elizabethch4460?share_id=OTY4MEY1&locale=en_US

Tiktok Sounds: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTduwtg4g/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elizabethchasemusic

Bandlab: https://www.bandlab.com/binkstar

Roc out with me !
Why'd you even come in here
If you're just gonna whine
Why'd you even come in here
If you're just gonna put me down
Please don't waste my time
I need to shine
Why'd you even come in here
If you're just gonna lie
And say you love me
Say you want me
Call me baby
Oh please baby
Like I'd fall for that this time
We've been over this a thousand times
I don't want and I don't need your lies
No woah
I liked you but you hurt me
I left u and u let me
If you liked me you would've showed me
I'm not broken or bruised
Got no battle scars on me
Cause you're not even worth my time
I'm stronger
I'm a fighter
I'm doing so much better without you
Without you
Without you ooh ooh ooh ooh
Now you're trying to win me back
But you just look so sad acting like a fool
Trying to be cool I've moved on
I don't need you
I don't love you
I don't want you I've moved on
I hope you're happy
Now there's the door
Don't hurt anyone anymore
Why'd you even come in here tonight
You know I found him
He makes me happy
He treats me right
So don't you even come in here Looking for a fight
I won't waste my time
Cause I'm doing all right
So moved on
Oh don't you even come in here
Oh don't you even waste my time with your lies
No woah oh oh oh oh

#newmusic #pop #popsinger #popsong #originalsong #original #album #keyboardist #piano #drums #whydyouevencomeinhere #rock #composer #musician #artist #songwriter #elizabethchase #elizabethjessiechase #elizabethchasemusic #officialmusicvideo #mrsmallsrecordingstudio #turtle #powerfulnotes

Elizabeth Chase is a singer songwriter originally from Canonsburg Pa who sings a range of genres from pop, to country, to opera and musical theatre showtunes, love songs, kids songs, Christian hymns as a church cantor, some rock, and more!
Check her website for show dates, cities, and to shop her cds, flashdrives, and merch!

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