10 Scary Ghost Videos OR Are You A BIG BABY - Scary Videos

1 year ago

Nukes Top 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS and CREEPY things ! Scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, Japanese ghost videos, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. We go through the full list of ALL sorts of paranormal activity. There are evps, poltergeists, and everything bizarre and supernatural for yo freaky enjoyment. These are, without a doubt, the creepiest scary videos on the internet.

So IN this week's video! Japanese ghost hunters explore an abandoned building haunted by a ghost girl and do a paranormal investigation . They get some weird evp s. A woman's house is haunted by a strange shadow figure, and she catches paranormal evidence of the apparition. A poltergeist seems to still roam the grounds of an old construction site. Strange paranormal activity caught by Russian ghost hunters. A ghost in a creepy basement. A dog and a cat are freaked out by a strange supernatural entity. Next, caught on a nanny cam , or baby monitor - some sort of spirit seems to yank on a child's ear. Caught on Reddit- a woman has a shadow ghost caught on camera. And a bizarre figure caught on CCTV in a Singapore bus. ALL of this and many more scary encounters in this week's video.

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